Software Engineer

B.S. Computer Science, 2022
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Marzuk Rashid


github, linkedin, email

PROJECTS December 2024

In just a few days, I crafted an app that visually guides you to the decision your intuition is leaning towards. By interacting with your options, elegantly reveals your true preference. Whether it's picking a restaurant or deciding on weekend plans, this tool helps you make decisions that just feel right.

Fishbait August 2020 - November 2022

I first got into playing poker in 2019. Shortly after learning the basic game theory and probabilities behind a winning strategy, I thought this seems like something a computer could do better than me. So, I set out to learn all about the best poker AIs and build one of my own. After two years of work in my free time, I had built an AI that could beat my friends.

BinaryHeart July 2016 - June 2019

In high school I built and led a club that addressed digital waste and access. We collected used electronic devices from around our neighborhood, repaired them, and delivered them to new homes. During my time there, more than 100 students volunteered with us. Together we repaired and donated more than $100,000 of electronics. Today, the club is in the hands of new student leadership and is doing better than ever.